Just to let you all know that the latest edition of Children, Families and Communities was published on 7 October by Oxford University Press. Along with Rebekah Grace and Christine Woodrow, I am an editor on the 6th edition using my professional name, Jennifer Bowes.
The book is a collection of up-to-date research-based chapters about the impact on child development of the contexts in which Australian children grow up and how children, in turn, affect the contexts around them. Topics include Refugee Children, Children’s Friendships, Children in a Digital World, Child Protection and Out-of-Home Care, The Stolen Generations of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Children, Climate Change and Disasters, and many more current and enduring issues affecting children and their families.
In its first five editions, Children, Families and Communities has been used as a text for courses in Early Childhood, Education, Social Work and Nursing in over twenty universities around Australia. You can find out more about the latest edition at https://www.oup.com.au/grace6e Academics teaching courses in the area can request inspection copies from this link.
Tertiary students studying courses about children, families and communities will find this book an invaluable resource. Previous editions have been used by policy makers at state and national levels to devise research-based policy for children and their families.
Please spread the word that the 6th edition is now published and available.
Many thanks!